Digital Magpie #6

The one with Pebbling and Nelly the Elephant

This is Digital Magpie #6

Some treats from the past week.

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I’m pebbling right now! 🥰 

Oh man 🥹 

The power of basic rituals 🌿

I liked this article about rituals vs habits, and realised that I unconsciously have many of my own (when I worked in cosmetic marketing we often experimented with establishing rituals linked to products, with great success.)

“Rituals can be a source of joy and meaning,” he says. “They enhance our lives with something more. Experiment with them. You can transform ordinary actions into something extraordinary.”

On a Pink Moon 💚

Nelly the Elephant 🐘

LOVED this new research on how elephants call each other by assigned names. Amazing what we continue to discover about the world around us.

Life Right now 😥

🥁 What do you call a detective who solves cases accidentally?
Sheer Luck Holmes

If you enjoyed this forward this email to someone who could use some joy 💡

Here’s to more of the same, ✌️